Create a projects folder to house all of your projects, usually on c:\ drive
The basic HTML begins with !DOCTYPE html
All HTML documents must start with a !DOCTYPE declaration. The declaration is not an HTML tag. It is an "information" to the browser about what document type to expect. In HTML5, the declaration is simple:
(I will be using Visual Studio Code screen shots for examples)
HTML elements are created by using tags that define certain actions withing the HTML.
Below are a few BLUE tags that are linked to MDN Web Docs for reference
Attribute | Name | Description |
<colspan> | Column Span | Defines how many columns a td element should span.. |
<rowspan> | Row Span | Defines how many rows a td element should span. |
Style.CSS bring the beauty to a web page. It brings it fron Static to Dynamic with STYLE!
To use the stylesheet you must add a class to the HTML elements you want to style:
Content division elements labels and seperates each elent to your unique style
Below are exaples of:
What is Github--
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. This tutorial teaches you GitHub essentials like repositories, branches, commits, and pull requests.
Github allows for social interactions and community improvements of ones coding habits and techniques